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Check out all the islands I went in Indonesia. You need tips and tricks, sightseeing places or good recommendations on where to stay, you can find it here. I also share some general tips about Indonesia and other countries.

Internet/SIM card

When we are traveling it is always convenient to have internet to find our way, help you translating, order a taxi or just for all your social media updates. When you travel through Southeast Asia you actually have a couple of options where you don't have to buy a SIM card in every country but buy one SIM card for multiple countries.


So the few options within Southeast Asia are:

M1 Prepaid: €9,75: 100GB for 30 days in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan

Travellers SIM card: €6,27 : 4GB for 7 days in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Australia, Macau, Hong Kong, Myanmar, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Taiwan.

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